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Introduction: Firefighting Robot move towards the fire and pump the out water around it to put down the fire with the help of various components like Arduino UNO, IR flame sensor, servo motor, motor driver shield etc. Hence, The firefighting robot has a water tanker to pump water and spray it on fire; it is controlled through wireless communication.

1:- Arduinon UNO  
It is like a brain of the robot, with the help of this board we can make different DIY
projects like electronic, mechanical, automation etc projects. Arduino UNO works on
C and C++ language called Arduino IDE. Technically Arduino UNO is an open source
electronic based hardware and software platform, it is easy to use. Arduino UNO
boards are able to read digital and analogs inputs as well, sensors, a finger on
buttons & turn it into an output - activate motors, turning on LEDs and many more.
2:- IR Flame Sensor
Fire alarm detect fire and provide HIGH signal upon the detection. Arduino reads the signal
and provides alert by turning on buzzer and LED. Flame sensor used here is an IR
based flame sensor. flame sensor works by detecting the presence of a flame within
the furnace area.
3:- Servo Motor
A servo motor is an electrical device/motor which can push or rotate an object
with great precision.
Servo motor is used at every “joint” of a robot to perform a specific repetitive
task at its precise angle of movement i.e., 90,180 degree angle.
Firefighting Robot move towards the fire and pump the out water around it to
put down the fire with the help of various components like Arduino UNO, IR
flame sensor, servo motor, motor driver shield etc. Hence, The firefighting
robot has a water tanker to pump water and spray it on fire; it is controlled
through wireless communication.
4: L293D Motor Driver
It is a high voltage , high current dual full-bridge driver de-signed to
accept standard Transistor to transisitor logic level drive inductive loads
such as relays, solenoids, DC & stepping motors. It act as a bridge
between the motors & controller.
The Motor Shield is a driver module for motors that allows you to use
Arduino UNO to control the working speed and direction of the 2
dc motor.
5: Breadboad
A breadboard is a solderless board for temporary prototype with
electronic components and test circuit designs. Most electronic
components in electronic circuits can be interconnected by
inserting their leads or terminals into the breadboard holes and then
making connections through wires where appropriate.

5: Circuit Diagram/Connections

7:- CODE
#define Left_S 9
#define Right_S 10
#define Forward_S 8
#define LM1 2
#define LM2 3
#define RM1 4
#define RM2 5
#define pump 6
void setup()
pinMode(Left_S, INPUT);
pinMode(Right_S, INPUT);
pinMode(Forward_S, INPUT);
pinMode(LM1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LM2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(RM1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(RM2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pump, OUTPUT);
void put_off_fire()
delay (500);
digitalWrite(LM1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LM2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RM1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RM2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(pump, HIGH); delay(500);
7:- CODE
for (pos = 50; pos <= 130; pos += 1) {
for (pos = 130; pos >= 50; pos -= 1) {
void loop()
myservo.write(90); //Sweep_Servo();
if (digitalRead(Left_S) ==1 && digitalRead(Right_S)==1 && digitalRead(Forward_S) ==1)
digitalWrite(LM1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LM2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RM1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RM2, HIGH);
else if (digitalRead(Forward_S) ==0)
digitalWrite(LM1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LM2, LOW);
digitalWrite(RM1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RM2, LOW);
fire = true;
else if (digitalRead(Left_S) ==0)
digitalWrite(LM1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LM2, LOW);
digitalWrite(RM1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RM2, HIGH);
else if (digitalRead(Right_S) ==0) 
digitalWrite(LM1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LM2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RM1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RM2, LOW);
while (fire == true)

Price: 7000 INR

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